Payton Vaughn's Writing Portfolio
About Me
I knew from a very young age that writing would always play an important part of my life. I have always loved to read and write. Creating is a massive passion of mine.
Starting at an early age back in 2012, I began to truly indulge myself within the world of fantasy. Playing, writing, and creating works of storytelling with the world of Dungeons and Dragons. I haven't stopped since.
I adore writing and have the capability to write about anything. Fiction, non-fiction, or even scientific studies. However I find myself writing in my own world and expanding on my own creativity. Building ground roots for a truly amazing story and world.
Furthermore, I already have accomplished one degree in my lifetime. Earning myself a Degree in Culinary Arts as of March of 2022. I look forward to gaining my second degree for Fiction Writing sometime in the winter of 2024.